The Great North Season 4, Episode 15 Review: The Summer of Too Many Dates and Swimming Pool Blues | yahoo201027’s Great North Reviews


The last episode review for the season from yours truly and what else by doing the show that had been keeping the blog site steady throughout the past few months of the year that is called 2024. And now, might as well do it so your boy can take a break because it had been hectic throughout the past few months. Nearly lost a Sunday, that being this past Sunday, because if you haven’t seen something called the news, your boy got rocked by a severe windstorm last week. Luckily, the outage lasted for two hours, but man, that storm packed a powerful punch that came out of nowhere. And knowing that hurricane season is around the corner, now up until late September or early October, it’s all hands on deck. Though I need to think of something to go through the offseason, maybe some Bob’s stuff, wouldn’t rule out The Great North. So…who knows? For now, after this review, aside from the live blogs for both Toonami and Doctor Who, I am cooked.

In this week’s episode of The Great North, summer is here and we’re not talking about the offseason, but it’s summertime in Alaska, and the storyline with Beef and Carissa continues with Beef making his best impression towards his new girlfriend after being called out but his friends of him not having any game as the rest of the Tobins have their own personal pool party in the fifteenth episode of Season 4 of The Great North, titled “Fifty Worst Dates Adventure”.

Summer is here and we’re not talking about the offseason that we’re now in, we’re about the summer in Alaska…in this week’s episode of course, but that’s not the point for this episode. It’s the storyline between Beef and Carissa that is taking charge throughout this season finale. As I said in a few reviews since doing the fourth season of The Great North, this season has been really focusing on Beef with him taking the most time in the limelight. Primarily with him when it comes to his romance portion of life since nearly drowned earlier this season. I did say back in my review of “Cheese All That Adventure” with the subplot that came out of nowhere regarding Beef and Carissa starting to have feelings with each other. Thought it was straight out of freaking nowhere the moment we saw each other blushing during the mom’s meeting and the staunch realization from Carissa during Beef’s time at the coffee shop that helped her business thrive where things started to get serious.

Then comes “Bear of Beeftown Adventure” where things have really gotten serious between the two to the point where Beef thought of declaring his love to Carissa during Fat Bear Week, only to end up finding her with another who he saw as a threat and decided to attempt to tamper with the results of the competition. Luckily, he backtracked when he nearly became a statistic. Here we are, aside from them bating together that Debbie and later Moon accidentally came across. At the end of that episode, Carissa says to Beef that Axel, the guy who owns a donut shop that Carissa had to work with that week, isn’t her type to begin with. And thus, here we are with this episode to close out the show’s fourth season. Looking back on it, even though we can agree, before the airing of “Cheese All That Adventure” or “Bear of Beeftown Adventure”, primarily the latter, that Alyson would make the most sense and I’m not saying that because both of their voice actors are married in real life, but the show decided to break some status quo with that and make Carissa the It Girl for him to get back into the dating game. Now, I guess Carissa as Beef’s equal would make the most sense for the relationship to work. Both single parents who came out of a messy divorce and hoping for a second shot in the dating game. Well, Beef, this would be his second. Carissa, her third because you remember that brief stint with Chud in “Beef Mommas House Adventure” where Beef exposed him being with another woman. So yeah, it’s an interesting relationship. That’s my thoughts and now, it’s time to break the episode down, this is “Fifty Worst Dates Adventure”.

The episode starts with Beef and Carissa on a summer evening arriving at the Tuntley household for another rendition of the moms’ meeting with Dorothy and Marie waiting for them to arrive, thinking that they did something, probably doing the nasty, before coming here. So, already, they got the memo that Beef and Carissa are now together as a couple since the events of “Bear of Beeftown Adventure” and applaud the newfound relationship between Beef and Carissa. The two enter the house, only for Beef to be stopped by Dorothy and Marie over the fact that they noticed Beef’s rizz is off when it comes to treating Carissa. Especially after Carissa brought up them just watching TV and binge-watching as if they’re doing Netflix and chill, but only doing the Netflix. Which, according to Dorothy and Marie, is not enough to please Carissa even though Beef thinks that she’s fine with it. He even brought up the one time he brought her to Maude’s for their dinner date, which to both Dorothy and Marie…going to Maude’s is the least likely place to go on a date the same you thought you were cooking dinner for the date at the house and the dinner you’re making is not actually food you’re cooking and instead, you’re microwaving pizza rolls. I would say take her to a Red Lobster…

Yeah…so there’s that. Case in point, Dorothy and Marie tell Beef to get his game on and take Carissa out on a date that is not at either party’s house. Giving him a lecture by telling him about the fallout between her (Carissa) and her ex-husband Ken because he never took Carissa out and now, Beef believes that he’s doing the same thing and doesn’t want history to repeat itself. And it looks like he’s going to plan the longest day of the year by having to take Carissa on not one, not two, try a few dates that he missed out since the two started going out. All this because Beef is nothing like Marie’s boyfriend Jaime, who treated Marie right on how to impress someone in a relationship. Case in point, Beef has to prove to himself that he can be a better boyfriend if he wants to impress Carissa and he plans on using the summer solstice as the perfect day for him to do the supposed make-up dates as what Dorothy and Marie are requiring him to do so.

Hours later, once the moms’ meeting concluded and that little confrontation between him, Marie, and Dorothy back at the Tuntley household, arriving at her house to drop her off for the night, Carissa asks Beef if they want to spend the solstice watching an 18-hour marathon of a show called Chimney Sweepers. But Beef thinks that instead of wasting the longest day of the calendar year, they should have an outing for once since they’ve been a couple for a while now. Though the expression that Carissa gave when Beef brought up that they should go out, not knowing that he was doing this by both Dorothy and Marie until later on, should tell you that she doesn’t seem the type where she wants to go on an outing. I mean, they should deserve an outing, like an actual outing, she just didn’t expect to be this soon and for Beef to have a romantic side in his body to have the whole day planned out. But regardless, Carissa can pencil in an outing for Saturday; thus, it’s a date. Not knowing that there’s more than one date for one day. Beef drops off Carissa, but not before a little…y’know, a little down and dirty action in her action, which Beef agrees to that offer…as long as they remember to lock the door this time around.

The next day arrives and Beef is dressed up and ready to go, wearing a short-sleeved plaid shirt and khaki, or as the Tobins put it, an “Alaskan tuxedo” as he is prepared for Carrisa to arrive for their date. Which the family is glad that Beef is about to go on a date, an official date with his new girlfriend. Of course, with Beef going on his date with Carissa for the day, that means that the rest of the family will have Debbie paying a visit because if Beef and Carissa are going to date each other, they might as well get used to having her (Debbie) around. Especially Moon, whom he was planning on going into hiding and wasting the day away until Debbie leaves. That was until Judy reassures him that it’s not going to be like that for the day because knowing that it’s the summer solstice, she announces the second annual family pool. And you’re probably wondering, especially when the synopsis came out, why it is the second annual? What happened to the first? Judy and Honeybee explain what happened the first time what happened, that being the previous summer.

Where you have Wolf, Ham, and Moon having just normal fun with Wolf and Ham on their inflatable board and Moon diving into the water. So, you’re also probably wondering when looking at this scene, what’s so bad about it? What’s so bad about all of that that ruffled Judy and Honeybee’s feathers and accused them of twisting what happened the year before? Because the first flashback was the Tobin boys twisting the story of what happened the year before. Here’s what actually happened…

Judy and Honeybee, with the giant pool installed outside the cabin, thought that they were going to get a nice, peaceful day at the pool with them taking a nice, little R&R before the boys came in and decided to disrupt it. Whether it’s Ham eating a salad on the pool, Wolf getting wasted on alcoholic drinks, or Moon diving from the roof of the cabin and into the water to create a big enough splash, Judy and Honeybee weren’t happy with the idea of disorderly conduct by the boys when having to share the pool. To the point where Wolf’s drunk stint has his straw from his cup ripping the walls of the pool, causing the thing to be ripped open and letting the water out, but not before the girls notice the water being warm, courtesy of Moon peeing in the water. In short, Judy and Honeybee spent their money on the pool and thought that things were supposed to be fine and dandy with no chaos erupting, only for the boys to fuck everything up, and now, going into year two of the Tobin family pool, a lot of rules and regulations had to be in place for the boys to go through. There are a lot of rules for everyone to follow as if their own private pool for the family to use feels like something coming out of a communist country. Oh yeah, forgot to mention when doing the introduction that we have a third plot to the episode once everyone declares what they’ll be doing for the day with Beef going out with Carissa and a potential Tobin civil war about to brew over whether or not the rules should be relegated, you have the C–plot set up with Dirt ready to return a pair of dungarees, or overalls, from 1962 to return it to the store. So, once again, we got three plots in one episode. And speaking of Debbie…

She gets dropped off by Carissa just as both she and Beef are heading out for their date. And Debbie…putting in quite the performance because good God, this is the most out of character that I have seen from her as if she’s a completely different person. We know the reason behind it later on in the episode, especially going into the second act, but Debbie being nice to everyone, especially towards Moon, is pretty much one of the weirdest shit that I have seen from this show, just for knowing how out of character she is, even if it’s only for when her mom is around. So, once Debbie gets dropped off to be with the Tobins for the family pool subplot…

We get to the end of the first act of the episode and the start of the day of many dates for Beef and Carissa with the two at a brunch restaurant, finishing their brunch date with both adults finishing up their food but have yet to finish their drinks, a bloody mary for Beef and a mimosa for Carissa. Carissa wants to know what’s the rush since it’s the summer solstice, the longest day of the year, they have plenty of time, mostly to get home to watch a marathon of Chimney Sweepers with her new boy toy, that being Beef of course, but that’s exactly the point for Beef in his perspective, the day has only just begun. They have plenty of daylight to make sure the outing is wonderful to remember, even if, as of this moment in the episode as we are about to enter the second act, only doing this because Dorothy and Marie scolded Beef the day before for not going out with Carissa enough. So, date location number one at the brunch hall is now crossed out on the to-do list as we wrap up the first act of the episode. Preparing to head off to their next location, though not before Carissa plans on taking the glass of her unfinished mimosa. It’s not like the restaurant is going to notice the missing glass. Aside from that, item one on the to-do list is crossed out as the date marathon begins to take its form.

We enter the second act of the episode with the family pool already set up and for Judy and Honeybee to enjoy their time relaxing, enjoying the summer air, though I’m sure it’s not that hot in Alaska when compared to Texas or Arizona where you feel like you’re inside Satan’s ball sack. Their time relaxing, of course, gets cut short once the boys and Debbie enter the premises with items in tow. And it’s not even one minute into the second act and already, Judy and Honeybee are putting their feet down because they’re already getting annoyed because it feels like the boys are refusing to follow the ground rules that the girls laid out. I get that the pool they got is expensive and what happened last year was a total disaster, but it’s summer. It’s hot. Summer is meant for relaxing and having fun. They ain’t gonna feel like they’re being restricted to have their own version of having fun. Going for the “Oh, I’m sorry, I thought this was America” approach.

To the point where Judy and Honeybee will have to act as they’re Twitch mods and establish the ban hammer. Any activity caused by them, banned. Eating at the pool, banned. Peeing in the pool, banned. Debating if Jordan or LeBron is the GOAT of basketball, oh yeah, banned. They might as well put up a “no boys allowed” sign on the pool for clarity, but that would probably result in either one of them being ready to partake in the Harrison Butker challenge and getting canceled. Or leave the boys out of the pool and just let Debbie enter that won’t result in her murking them in their sleep, despite putting on the facade of being nice and polite despite that Carissa is not even here right now. And it looks like the battle between rules and no rules has already taken place with Wolf’s actions getting him banned from the pool. So, you already know what the subplot is going to be for this episode.

We get to the C-plot of the episode with Dirt entering the store to return her dungarees that were left standing for more than 60 years since the last time she wore them. As for how she got to the store from the house since the distance isn’t even a freaking hike. I’m already guessing that aside from the date marathon for Beef and Carissa, Beef would also have to drive Dirt to the store and drop her off to return her stuff. I mean, that has to be the only option because I would say she would use a snowmobile but it’s summer and there’s no snow. All the snow have been melted. So it has to come down to either carpooling with Beef and Carissa on their way to their series of dates or going on foot. Dirt places the old piece of clothing that she wore back in the 60s, once again, the only somewhat issue I have with Dirt is that she had to be that elderly individual talking about how great the old days are, and ready to return it, only to meet with one issue that could stand in her way. The return policy has changed since the shift in management with the old owner of the shop retired while Dirt was in hiding, once again adding to the list of the things that she missed while being off the grid for half plus ten of a century, and the current manager, named Sally Q., voiced by Jana Schmieding, is the old manager’s daughter and her old manager is, of course, retired and is currently attending what the new manager called it a “slut cruise”. Of course, knowing Dirt, she’s not going to walk away and call it a day. Oh no, if there’s something about the 1960s while Dirt is around, you might as well take the playbook from the Civil Rights era and call for protest. Or rather, as this clip shows to describe Dirt’s predicament…

Yeah, she ain’t gonna let it slide, and instead, handcuffs herself to the check-out desk and swallows the key like she’s in an old-school cartoon whenever there’s a character locking themselves with someone else or an item like a briefcase and swallows the key as a form of protest or keeping things secret from the ops. And that’s what Dirt is doing with her side of the episode with her hoping to add pressure on Sally to make sure she changes her mind and has the old return policy returned. There are a not lot of scenes with the subplot because most of the focus is on Beef and Carissa, along with the standoff between the girls and the boys plus Debbie. And speaking of Beef and Carissa…

Their second spot for their date marathon leads them to a dance studio, the same dance studio that we first saw in Season 2’s “Dances with Wolfs Adventure”, with Beef and Carissa finishing up a couples dancing session and about to head out with Carissa already starting to wear herself out from the two sets of dates with her feet starting to feel worn out from all the dancing and hoping to get back to the car to give herself a breather. Beef, of course, wants the series of dates to continue since their next date is a walking distance from the dance studio. We’re only in the second act of the episode and the day is not yet over for Beef in an attempt to be Marie’s boyfriend Jaime and make her happy. Which leads us to the montage. Starting with Beef and Carissa’s side of the episode…

The dates keep on coming for the newfound couple of Lone Moose as we enter montage mode for this episode. Showing three scenes in three different locations with the first scene showing the two enjoying a round of mini-golf. Alright, nothing wrong with that. I mean, the scene here above the text shows them playing a round together as a team of one but wouldn’t rule out turning it into a friendly competition between the two for certain holes, either for three rounds or nine but knowing they have to get to another location for their next date and the next with the two getting their caricature drawing and later them on electric scooters with Carissa falling off from her scooter and landing on the docks with Beef having trouble with his and rolled back, causing him to do the same Carissa did. However, in the caricature scene, you notice Carissa yawning before putting on a face to make sure she’s up and going for the series of dates to continue as the montage progresses. As if she knows that even though she likes what Beef is doing, going for an outing and spending time with her boyfriend, making her happy and shit, it does feel like that it’s fun while it lasted, and ready to head on home for the two to watch their marathon. Is Beef going overboard on all of this? Apparently so. Even though they did have fun whether it was at the brunch restaurant or playing a round of mini-golf, there’s always going to be a time when you or your partner is starting to wear out and you don’t want to go overboard with things, even if it’s on the longest day of the year with the summer solstice. But how should I know? I’m not a relationship expert. I’m not even in a relationship.

And then, we get to the other side of the coin, the standoff between the girls and the boys over at the Tobin household regarding the pool. Everything that the boys try to do…banned. Ham coming in with a platter of pigs in the blanket, a cupcake, mac n’ cheese, and what I guess it’s a piece of cheese…banned. Wolf trying to pretend that he’s Beef by spraying his lower face with cheese spray…banned. Moon attempting to dive with a full bladder on the ready…also banned. The Tobin boys are being restricted from doing anything they want to do if want to cool themselves down and have fun their way. While you can say that it’s somewhat of a case of the “no boys allowed” approach because when it comes to guys, like myself, we can be rowdy and out of control. Like, it’s no secret about it. Judy and Honeybee see that the year before when they had the pool and the boys being out of control as if the leash have been unattached like dogs. And it is the summer, crazy shit had to happen. But the subplot is more of Judy and Honeybee being overly strict with the rules of the pool and the boys wanting to break loose. But with them being restricted from entering the pool as if the pool is only made for them (and I guess Beef and possibly Carissa…and I guess Dirt maybe), and the day starting to wind down, it’s not looking good for them and need to find a way to create a loophole. A loophole regarding one person who is standing by the boys and has been really quiet while also playing nice with everyone once we get to the start of the second half.

We go back to Beef and Carissa walking across town after their series of dates that were shown throughout the montage with date number six ready to take place for Beef to take Carissa and already, Carissa is starting to feel worn out from all the activities and wants to head on home to rest up before picking Debbie up from the Tobin household. Beef would’ve taken Carissa’s word to heart and stop while they’re ahead with the series of dates that Beef laid out without causing any problems…but instead, he takes Carissa to an escape room as their next date. A “special” kind of escape room where everything is erotic in nature when entering the place that you swear that it feels like they’re in a dominatrix, BDSM-type of establishment as if they’re gonna do some erotic roleplaying, but knowing that this airs on a network channel and not on a cable channel like HBO or the Playboy channel, escape room it is to keep things PG…well, PG-13 to be exact once they enter the place and came across the manager of the establishment, telling them the rundown of the escape room and showing them the room that they’ll be in for their date.

But going into the end of the first half of the episode, the fallout begins to take place for Beef and Carissa while in the escape room. She tells Beef that Beef should stop with the planned dates and that he doesn’t need to do all the planning in hopes of impressing her because he has already impressed her enough. And rather than lie to her and think that he did all the planning with no help whatsoever, well, aside from any of the Tobin family members, he ends up blabbing everything out of the open and tells Carissa that it’s all Dorothy and Marie’s doing after being called out for not taking out enough since becoming a couple. Well…that relationship pretty quickly died after having their first and according to Carissa, their only fight. Case in point, Beef fumbled the bag like he’s the Indiana Pacers in Game 1 against the Boston Celtics in the Eastern Conference Finals. And all of this because he got called out by Dorothy and Marie because his rizz was completely off according to them. So, if anyone is to blame for the end of the ship going into the second half of the episode…yeah, it’s Beef for going overboard with the series of dates, but a portion of the blame goes to Dorothy and Marie for calling him out on him not taking her out enough. And for what? Oh, because Jaime is the better boyfriend and treats Marie special and Beef doesn’t with Carissa? I mean, Beef and Carissa were fine with the way they were doing before this took place, and having to be called out by them that now, their relationship is now donezo. Especially on a season finale episode like this one. The break-up is short-lived by the way…spoilers by the way.

So, going into the second half of the episode, going back to the subplot and it’s a losing battle of the Tobin boys with them losing precious daylight if they want to get themselves wet, pause, to beat the summer heat, and have fun. Not like they can sneak their way into the pool once night hits. I mean, they could but without having Judy or Honeybee noticing the noise they would make, unless they’re bringing Metal Gear Solid into this bitch, they’re running out of options to the point where they become bystanders. Sort of how kids feel whenever they go to the pool and the lifeguard calls for everyone to get out of the pool for an hour for adult swim. Of course, you have Debbie still continuing to say positive, yet weird comments as if it’s her way to be optimistic about the current situation and it’s getting to the point that her phase of being nice is pissing Moon off. So he tells Debbie to talk in private away from the situation and tells her to cut the bullshit. As much as he likes the idea of her not being threatening towards him, even if it’s for the day, it has gotten to the point where he is annoyed by it. And the way Debbie says when trying to be nice to Moon and the others, even though her mom isn’t here right now, bro, it almost feels like emotions had been generated by AI with the way she speaks. And Debbie has been quiet for the whole thing to the point where Moon needs her help to give Judy and Honeybee a taste of their own medicine. Saying that the Debbie he knows would do something to get back at the two so she and the others can get their time in the water. And do you know what it took for Debbie to finally break her nice phase?

Calling Debbie by her government name with Moon calling Debbie “Deborah”. That’s enough for Debbie to finally put aside the nice phase and threaten Moon if he were to call her by her full name ever again. And that’s more than enough for Moon to breathe a sigh of relief that even though, again, he likes the idea of Debbie not threatening him, even if it’s for a day, it was high time for her to break the bullshit and for Moon, a sigh of relief that the Debbie he knew is still there. So…what’s the reason? Why is Debbie putting on a show and pretending to be nice to everyone even after her mom left for the day? The reason? According to Debbie, as much as she hates the possibility of what happen if the relationship takes things seriously, is glad that her mom is dating Beef and needs to be on her best behavior around any of the Tobin children, especially Moon. So, yeah, Debbie, as much as she wants to vomit, is happy that her mom Carissa has found someone who can treat her right, that someone being Beef, Moon’s father, because Beef have made Carissa happy and she knew that she can’t mess this one up, not knowing that during this time in the episode, Beef was the one who made the mess up, so she had to control her…I guess you could call it her Debbie-ness and if she continues to be on her best behavior, she gets her stuff. Mostly comprised of extra desserts and Bratz dolls.

So, it’s an interesting turn of events for Debbie to accept that her mom and the father of the person whom she is friends with but often torments are in a relationship and might be getting ready for the possibility that if the relationship takes things seriously, like them the tying the knot, the idea of her and Moon becoming step-siblings. Something that both Debbie and Moon don’t want to embrace but the chances of that happening is starting to grow. But for now, Moon needs Debbie’s help to get them, Ham, and Wolf’s swimming rights back after being restricted by Judy and Honeybee and it looks like Debbie is on board with her creating a scheme that would give the two girls a taste of their own medicine.

Going back to the main plot, the fallout continues between Beef and Carissa over what happened at the end of the first half of the episode with Beef coming out clean that he only did the planned dates because he got called out by Dorothy and Marie at the start of the episode because he doesn’t take her out enough, even though they were fine the way are since they started going out and now, the relationship is over, all because Beef had to be a dumbass because he can’t come up with anything romantic and having to listen to what Dorothy and Marie had to say. That and also him going overboard with the series of dates, solely because Beef got called out the night prior. Beef tries to reassure to Carissa and tells her that it’s all one big misunderstanding, but the day is already ruined because he didn’t read the signs. To the point where Carissa asks the manager of the escape room to let them out with the manager thinking that the whole escape room experience is taking place, only to comply and let the two out of the room. So, yeah, the day is ruined by what Beef did with him going overboard with the dates that he had to listen to Dorothy and Marie just because he doesn’t have any rizz in his system. And it looks like that’s not going to be the only thing that would hamper their day because there’s another coming result in some dumbassery from the other side of the coin. But before we get to that…

We gotta check up on the C-plot of the episode with Dirt continuing to cuff herself to the desk at the store as her way to add pressure on Sally to reverse the policy for her to return her clothes that was supposed to do. And boy, that didn’t take long for Sally to stand down and only for Dirt herself and no one else, since it’s just the two of them, a compromise had to be made for Dirt to release herself from the desk by making an exchange. Her returning the dungarees for a beige piece of clothing and thus, a deal had to be made so the standoff had to be called off. There’s just one little issue with the situation once that’s been settled…Dirt doesn’t have an extra key in her possession to unlock herself. What? You’d think that was bluffing about this whole thing? Yeah, that’s what we all thought at first. You know, her thinking that she’s pulling some bullshit just to get the standoff drive to her favor for her to return her old clothes. She ate the only key she had for the handcuffs and won’t be pooping it out for another two, three days as she put it. Getting to the point where Sally would have to call the fire department to remove her. Though why the fire department? I think the correct term is police but if it means sending out an ambulance because she’s gonna take a shit in the coming days that is going to rip her ass a new one, they ain’t taking any risks and not let Dirt get into an accident.

We go back to the subplot and now with the completion of the boys and Debbie’s version of fun that they had to create to give Judy and Honeybee a taste of their own medicine. Creating their own slip n’ slide with tarps, a water hose, and a crater that they had to dig up for the landing zone. Sure, it does look dangerous because of how treacherous it looks as if they made their own water park as if they took the playbook from Ed, Edd, n’ Eddy where safety is not in their dictionary. This would explain why the rules had to be in place for the pool aside from the other reason why Judy and Honeybee had to be strict, and we’ll get to that later in the episode. But for now, it’s slip n’ slide time for the Tobin boys and Debbie to try out and they had a lot of fun with them having to be covered in vegetable oil for speed and despite the risk of injuries as if it’s an audition to be in the next Jackass film, they got their fun. Of course, that fun caught Judy and Honeybee’s attention because them making a lot of noise violated one of the rules that they implemented, but would drop the rule in exchange for them to give it a try. I did say that what the boys and Debbie did, as part of Debbie’s plan, was give the two girls a taste of their own medicine, and uh…they did once Moon pulled the banner down that says “No Judy and Honeybee”. The writing equivalent of flipping the middle finger for not letting them use the pool that they were using. That, of course, results in Judy and Ham getting into a scuffle that leads to everyone falling into the slide courtesy of Honeybee not looking where she was stepping, causing the water from the pool to flow out. Having the pool water to push them in full force down the slide that ultimately leads to them getting injuries across their bodies.

Adding more salt into the wound for Beef and Carissa, once leaving the escape room after the fallout that they had to endure because of Beef being a total dumbass for taking Dorothy and Marie’s word to go overboard in trying to impress Carissa, he got a voice mail from Wolf after not checking on the many messages that he got, meaning that the fallout between Beef and Carissa took place at the same time as the mishap at the household regarding the pool. They’re on their way to the hospital because of the injuries they sustained and now, they have to go to the hospital to check up on the kids and Honeybee because of their dumbassery that led to them getting injured.

So now, going into the fourth and final act of the episode and the season, and luckily, the injuries are nothing serious like a broken limb or having someone slip into a coma once Beef and Carissa are in the waiting room for them to wait for their kids and Honeybee to come out and come on, they ain’t gonna let the relationship between Beef and Carissa to be called off after being built up out of nowhere this season alone. That would be a dick move for the cast and crew to have the relationship to be called off going into Season 5 after all that built up and treat it like it’s this show’s version of Gayle and Mr. Frond. Yeah, that was a relationship that was never touched. We ain’t gonna go through that again, God forbid. Beef apologizes to Carissa for being a dumbass for listening to Dorothy and Marie that led to him going overboard with the dates that it sorta made her feel a bit uncomfortable. He also stated that even though he was forced by the two, he wanted to take Carissa out because he didn’t want her for history to repeat itself with her ex-husband Ken. And while that was the point coming from Carissa, she ended her marriage with him because…well, he’s just Ken and he’s nowhere near a ten. I know, I know, I know. Bad joke. But, yeah, we got a reason why Carissa called off the marriage with Ken because the spark was lost between them, and they never wanted to do things. Beef never got that with Kathleen when they were together because, of course, it’s freaking Kathleen…do we even have to say it? But other than that, Beef apologizes to Carissa for what happened earlier and shades of “Cheese All That Adventure” with how the relationship was blossoming in that episode, a compromise had to be made and thus, the relationship is back on. And just in time…

For the kids and Honeybee to come out with non-serious injuries. Nothing but stitches across a portion of their bodies and a heated argument between the two parties that led to their trip to the hospital over the rules that Judy and Honeybee had to establish because they got tired of the boys’ recklessness from the year before. But coming from Judy, it’s mostly because…yeah, it’s more than just the pool that boys had to mess everything up. All the nice stuff that they would get a shot for them to enjoy, comes crashing down because of the actions of what either boy of the Tobin family caused like the bounce house as an example. So yeah, both parties apologize for what happened, and with both sides of the coin for this episode now settled, it’s time for them to call it a day and head watch some T…

Oh right, Aunt Dirt. She also got transported to the hospital because of the possibility of her digestive system turning into her own version of Oppenheimer once the 2-3 days are up for the key that she swallowed to come out. That and also about coming close to committing accidental terrorism with a grenade that she had to carry at the store. The family thought that the hospital was going to let her be released, thinking that she was cured, but she’s not. They told her to stay put for the next two, three days for when the key leaves her body but knowing Dirt, she ends up defying the doctor’s order because she thought that she got plenty of time for her to do that. Yeah, because what happened back there would’ve added even more salt into the wound for everyone but just be thankful that everything is all patched up.

Going into the end of the episode with the family, the Tobins and the Vans, watching TV to waste away the night with the kids think it’s a good idea that one pool isn’t enough because having a single pool is what led to the confrontation between the boys and girls that resulted in them getting injuries. This means that they need to get more than one pool for everyone to avoid another confrontation. Though knowing the cost, both the quantity and the shipping price…also the inflation concerns, there’s gonna be a lot of wallets burning just to avoid a confrontation like what happened. So for now, the lesson for this episode…don’t be a dumbass, not everyone is perfect, and just watch TV to waste the day away.


So all and all, what do I think about this week’s episode of The Great North? I had to rewatch the episode just to better understand everything that was going on. Mostly because most of my focus was on the recent Bob’s Burgers episode review that I posted earlier this week. But aside from that, it’s not a bad episode to close out the season. I know, a shortened season but sacrifices had to be made for the actors and writers to get better pay…as we are now on the verge of another strike with the animation guild later in the summer.

I do enjoy the Beef and Carissa storyline with this episode and they do look like a nice couple even though everyone and their mother thought that Beef would be with someone like Alyson in the end, but Beef with Carissa isn’t bad. And we got that in full force in this episode, even if we got a brief scare after Beef came out as a dumbass just for following what Dorothy and Marie told him to do because of the lack of dates they had since they started to go out. And it looks like this relationship will be staying put going into Season 5 and let’s see where this will go. Even though the show will find ways to mess around. It’s any given Sunday until sometime in January for the next episode drops.

The subplot was alright, though Debbie being nice throughout the first three-quarters of the episode does make you feel freaked out because of how out of character she was. But at least we got some character shift with her coming out to say that she’s glad that her mom is dating Moon’s dad and doesn’t want to mess things up with her being herself so she can get some stuff as a reward. Yeah, the subplot was predictable that it would result in both parties falling injured because of a scuffle over who gets the right on how to have fun. Though with Beef and Carissa dating, meaning that we would have her appear more, the same would have to go for Debbie and the shift in dynamic between her and Moon as their parents continue to date each other should be interesting going into the next season. The C-plot was okay even though it was an unnecessary addition but since Dirt is going to appear a lot going into the new season in January, I would not be surprised if they shake things up with the intro to add Dirt and I guess add Jane Lynch’s name into the main cast list, might as well have her own plot. Her first storyline, her own plot, since her debut earlier in the season. So, I’ll give “Fifty Worst Dates Adventure”…

A 7.5 out of 10. And since I’m too lazy to insert an additional graphic, by the time the review is posted, it would already be around 5:00 in the morning in my time zone, it’s a 7 out of 10 for the season. It’s a good season nonetheless. And now, it’s the offseason, and after doing these reviews…good God, I need to recharge after doing these. These weren’t easy when doing The Great North in the same style I did with the Bob’s Burgers reviews, but here I am and I survived.

Follow me on Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, Mastodon, BlueSky, and Threads for updates and behind-the-scenes stuff. The fifth match of the Group C and D matches are ongoing between Louise Belcher (Bob’s Burgers) and Molly McGee (The Ghost and Molly McGee) in Group C and both Sprig Plantar (Amphibia) and Cole Tillerman (Central Park) in Group D. Both polls close on Saturday. And y’all should know the drill by now…

Donate over at PayPal, Patreon, and Ko-fi pages to help your boy out in both improving the bills and keeping the lights on to pump some content for y’all to embrace my BS. Another season has come and gone for The Great North. Not just The Great North, but also Bob’s Burgers, probably should’ve added that in the review to “Butt Sweat and Fears” but might as well put it here since it’s the last one for the season. I’m not the one for sentimental stuff but despite a shortened season for both shows with a lot of questions regarding everything following the strikes, I wanna thank every one of y’all for everything. Mostly to read through what I had to say and worked my ass off on the two shows through the past 7-8 months. Once again, going into a summer filled with uncertainty regarding the number of episodes we should be getting for both Bob’s Burgers and The Great North, hopefully, that can get settled once Comic-Con arrives in July, but goddamn man, finally made it to the finish line and onto the offseason we go. Once again, thank you all so much for keeping things in touch throughout the season for both Bob’s Burgers and The Great North, and uh…yeah, let’s to do it again. And hopefully, I don’t get severe burnout for doing this. And until the next time, wear a mask, get vaccinated, register to vote, and a reminder that you’re loved, you’re beautiful, ignore the haters, and I’ll see y’all later.

***The Great North is owned by 20th Television Animation, Bento Box Animation, and Wendy Molyneux, Lizzie Molyneux-Logelin, and Minty Lewis. Please Support the Official Release***

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